10 Best WordStream Alternatives for Maximizing Your Online Campaigns

Even though WordStream is considered a reliable and user-friendly advertising management platform, you may find that a WordStream alternative fits your unique needs better by offering functionality WordStream lacks, serving up a better price, or boasting superior customer support. But how do you make sure you’re choosing the best WordStream alternative? 

Let’s dive further into these essential decision-making criteria, and outline some promising alternatives to WordStream.

Key Factors for WordStream Alternatives Selection

Despite the clear benefits WordStream provides, users might just find that a different online advertising platform suits their needs better. Understanding how they stack up against WordStream is crucial when making the decision to switch platforms: 

  • Cost. Not all projects have the same budget. You may look for more cost-effective WordStream alternatives that offer similar functionalities but at a more affordable price.
  • Features. As all marketers know, the world of digital advertising moves fast, and it’s necessary to keep pace with the most efficient tools. Some WordStream competitor might just have the advanced feature you need.
  • Customization. Advertising today is all about personalized experiences. Thus, having a tool that offers a greater level of customization could well be an advantage to maximize your campaign’s impact.

List of Top Tools 

We’ve collected the top WordStream alternatives for 2024, all things considered like ease of use, cost, features, and flexibility: 

  1. AdEspresso: This tool concentrates on crafting, improving, and analyzing ads for Facebook and Instagram. 
  2. Skai (Kenshoo): Gives you the ability to manage and analyze your cross-channel performance from a single dashboard.
  3. Traffic Booster: The name speaks for itself; this tool focuses on increasing website traffic via optimized digital ad campaigns.
  4. Mailchimp: Best recognized for its email marketing services, Mailchimp additionally provides a broad spectrum of other marketing functionalities.
  5. SE Ranking: Ideal Wordstream competitor for businesses emphasizing on SEO.
  6. Hubspot: Provides an integrated platform encompassing marketing, customer service, sales, and CRM functionalities.
  7. MarinOne: Offers a comprehensive view of all channels and AI-enhanced bidding, coupled with CRM and data storing capabilities.
  8. SpyFu: Top for competitor analysis, making it an excellent alternative to WordStream for delving into competitor information. 
  9. AgencyAnalytics: Targets digital marketing agencies with a range of SEO tools and reports.
  10. Madgicx: An AI-fueled advertising tool tailored for Facebook, offering a unique alternative to WordStream for Facebook ad campaigns.


AdEspresso is a user-friendly WordStream alternative, tailored specifically for managing Facebook and Instagram ads. Its drag-and-drop functionality simplifies ad creation and management, particularly for those running multiple ad accounts.


  • Creating Campaigns. AdEspresso’s drag-and-drop interface makes ad campaign creation straightforward. 
  • Options for Targeting. AdEspresso gives you targeting options based on Facebook and Instagram’s demographics and interests. WordStream might have more general targeting options that cover many platforms.
  • Tailored Ads. Work with multiple ad types for Facebook and Instagram – this include image, video, carousel, and story ads. 
  • Reports and Analytics. Comprehensive analytics allow you to monitor campaign performance. WordStream likely has similar features, but cater to a wider variety of ad platforms.
  • Collaborating as a Team. AdEspresso facilitates team collaboration by allowing various access levels for those managing multiple ad accounts. 


AdEspresso offers tiered subscription plans starting from $49 per month with a spending limit of $1,000. To get an idea what budget you’ll need, use their free 14-day trial. 


  • Switch to AdEspresso if: You prioritize user-friendliness, or manage multiple ad accounts for different campaigns across the mentioned platforms.
  • Stick with WordStream if: You require a broader advertising platform encompassing various channels beyond Facebook and Instagram, or are already comfortable with WordStream’s interface.

🥈Skai (Kenshoo)

Skai, formerly known as Kenshoo, is great for managing performance across various channels from one dashboard. If you’re working in large-scale businesses and find WordStream’s emphasis on search advertising restrictive, Skai may be the ideal WordStream alternative. Skai excels for businesses aiming to master multichannel advertising. It presents a consolidated platform to manage campaigns across search, social, retail media, and app stores.


  • All-in-One Campaigns. Skai doesn’t just focus on one advertising avenue like WordStream. It offers a comprehensive tool that lets you control ad campaigns across different channels including Facebook and Amazon. 
  • Artificial Intelligence Support. Skai’s “Decision Pro” uses AI to help you work out the best way to allocate your budget and improve ad performance. This is a major advantage for busy marketers who need hard data to guide their decisions.
  • Practical Recommendations. Skai doesn’t stop at data – it uses AI to turn insights into action plans. This means you can quickly roll out your campaigns across different channels without any delay.
  • All-in-One Reporting. Tired of jumping between reports? Skai offers one platform for tracking all of your campaigns, giving you a clear overview of how your advertising is performing.


Skai utilizes a tiered pricing model, making it adaptable to businesses of all sizes. Prices start at $90K per year, limiting media spend up to $4M annually.


  • Switch to Skai if: You value AI-powered insights and automated campaign management across various channels, and are comfortable with potentially higher costs compared to WordStream.
  • Stick with WordStream if: Your primary focus remains on search advertising. Pricing might be a deciding factor, so getting a quote from Skai is crucial before making the switch.

🥉Traffic Booster

Traffic Booster is an excellent WordStream alternative for e-commerce businesses. With the help of AI it allows you to manage ads across various platforms such as Google Search, Shopping, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. This tool as part of StoreYa excels in increasing website traffic via ads optimization, offering a broader scope than WordStream’s primary focus on search ads.


  • AI-driven Automation. Traffic Booster handles the creation and optimization of your ad campaigns. This saves you from manually managing your campaigns and lets the AI find the best strategies for top performance at a low cost.
  • E-commerce Focused Targeting. The platform aims to attract relevant customers to your product pages. This keen focus on e-commerce conversions is a significant advantage over WordStream’s wider advertising scope.
  • Cross-Platform Management. You can oversee campaigns for Google, Facebook, and Instagram all from one place. This spares you from managing multiple platforms and offers a centralized view of your ads.
  • Transparent Reporting. A clear dashboard shows key metrics like visitors, orders, revenue, and return on ad spend for each channel. This data can guide your campaign scaling decisions.


Traffic Booster’s plans go from $120 per month (Basic) to $1000 per month (Pro), with a 33% discount for the first month. 


  • Choose Traffic Booster if: You’re wanting a complete, AI-driven solution with a focus on e-commerce conversions across different platforms.
  • Stick with WordStream if: Your main target is managing paid advertising campaigns, especially search ads.


Mailchimp can be viewed as an alternative to WordStream, particularly for projects centered on email marketing. With an A/B testing, audience segmentation, automation, and ready-to-use templates, it makes you capable of creating tailored email campaigns that attract your target audience and enhance sales. 


  • Email Automation. You may automate email marketing with the “Customer Journey Builder” feature from Mailchimp. Personalized emails can be sent depending on a customer’s online activity, including website visits and abandoned carts.
  • AI-Powered Tools. Use Mailchimp’s AI tools to create engaging content and improve your email campaigns. Their “Content Optimizer” uses industry data to suggest changes to your text, images, and format.
  • Integrations Galore. Mailchimp can connect with various platforms like Shopify, Canva, and Zapier. This helps you organize your marketing tasks and use data from other tools.


Mailchimp pricing is flexible; they charge depending on how many connections you have. For up to 500 contacts, they provide a free plan. Premium subscriptions begin at $6.50 per month.


  • Switch to Mailchimp if: Developing relationships and promoting email leads are key components of your marketing strategy.
  • Stick with WordStream if: Managing paid advertising campaigns across various platforms (search, social media) remains your primary focus.

SE Ranking

SE Ranking is a notable WordStream alternative ideal for SEO specialists and businesses looking for a comprehensive yet affordable SEO tool. Besides handling paid ads like WordStream, SE Ranking offers extra features, such as competitor assessment, backlink checks, and on-page SEO reviews.


  • Keyword Research. Both platforms offer keyword research capabilities. However, SE Ranking might provide a more in-depth analysis, including search volume, competition level, and historical data.
  • Rank Tracking. SE Ranking allows you to track website rankings across various search engines and locations, potentially offering a more comprehensive solution than WordStream.
  • Competitor Research. SE Ranking provides advanced competitor research tools, allowing you to analyze competitor strategies and identify opportunities for improvement. 
  • Backlink Analysis. SE Ranking offers backlink analysis tools to monitor your backlink profile and identify opportunities for link building. WordStream does not offer backlink analysis features.
  • On-Page SEO. SE Ranking provides on-page SEO checking tools to identify technical SEO issues and optimize website content. 


SE Ranking plans are starting at $55 per month. They also offer a 14-day free trial to look what features do you need and which budget they require.


  • Switch to SE Ranking if: An all-round SEO toolkit is what you need – be capable of managing international websites while staying on a budget.
  • Stick with WordStream if: Your primary focus is on paid advertising campaigns and you find its interface user-friendly.


Unlike WordStream competitors which primarily manage paid advertisements, Hubspot Marketing Hub provides diverse tools for managing leads and automating marketing strategies.


  • CMS. Manage your website’s content directly in Hubspot – saves time and budget as eliminates the need for paying for separate platforms.
  • SEO Tools. HubSpot helps improve your website’s SEO with on-page optimization tools, keyword research guidance, and traffic analytics. These tools make SEO tasks easier, but may not be as detailed as in specialized SEO software.
  • Email Marketing. Create personalized, automated email campaigns. CRM integration allows Hubspot to tailor email campaigns based on customer behaviors and demographics.
  • Lead Generation Tools. Grow your leads by using HubSpot’s landing pages, pop-up forms, and live chat tools.
  • Marketing Automation. You can automate manual tasks like nurturing email sequences, social media posting, and lead scoring.
  • Analytics & Reporting. Track your marketing performance with detailed reports and dashboards. See traffic on your website, lead generation progress, campaign effectiveness, and ROI in one place.


HubSpot Marketing Hub price starts at $800 per month (billed annually), including 2,000 marketing contacts and three user seats. Take note, the Professional tier charges a required one-time onboarding fee of $3,000. 


  • Switch to HubSpot if: You want to go beyond basic paid ads and focus more on inbound marketing.
  • Stick with WordStream if: You are on a tight budget and WordStream’s cost suits you better.


While WordStream provides a user-friendly approach for smaller businesses focusing on essential paid advertising features, MarinOne assists larger advertisers managing complex campaigns across numerous platforms. It provides an insightful dashboard that uses AI for bid assistance. Moving beyond standalone advertising aids like WordStream, MarinOne stands out as an excellent WordStream alternative. 


  • Advanced Campaign Management. With MarinOne, you can manage campaigns on different platforms like Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo Gemini, Facebook Ads, and Amazon DSP. It offers deeper insights, editing tools, and automatic bidding strategies.
  • Cross-Channel Optimization. MarinOne helps enhance your ads on different channels with its cross-channel reporting and attribution modeling. It helps identify the most effective channels for reaching your audience and improving ad returns.
  • Creative Management. MarinOne simplifies your creative process with integrated tools. Creating, versioning, and approving ad creatives becomes easier, saving time and enhancing team collaboration.
  • Data Warehousing & Reporting. MarinOne lets you gain valuable insights into your ad performance with its data warehousing tools. You can combine data from several platforms for detailed reporting and identify trends you might overlook in individual reports.
  • Enterprise-Level Security. For agencies handling client accounts, MarinOne offers high-level data security with features like user access based on roles and safe security protocols.


MarinOne calculates cost based on your unique needs and campaign complexity. The lowest package starts at $500 per month. 


  • Switch to MarinOne if: You want advanced tools like cross-channel optimization, creative management, data storage, and strong security protocols.
  • Stick with WordStream if: You’re a small business or individual advertiser who wants a user-friendly platform for managing basic paid advertising campaigns.


SpyFu can become a strong WordStream alternative focused mainly on analyzing competitors’ data. In case your project revolves around SEO, studying the competition, and boosting your site’s organic performance, SpyFu is a great option.


  • Researching Competitor Keywords. SpyFu stands out with its ability to unearth your competitor’s PPC and SEO tactics. You can see all the keywords your competitors have paid for, their ad variations, and organic keywords they rank.
  • Analysis of Backlinks. With SpyFu, you can also discover the backlinks that boost your competitor’s ratings. This can guide you on which high-authority sites to target for outreach. 
  • Historical Data. SpyFu gives you the power to study the trend in competitor strategies over more than a decade. You can see how their ad copy and keywords have evolved and spot opportunities they may have overlooked. 
  • Custom Reports. Generate client-branded SEO and PPC reports with SpyFu. These can highlight competitor insights and potential areas for improvement in contrast to WordStream’s reports, which focus on your own campaigns.


The price that SpyFu determined is starting at $39 per month – sounds like a great fit for small and medium-sized companies versed in SEO.


  • Switch to SpyFu if: Digging deep into your competitors’ SEO and PPC strategies is what you want – including looking at historical data and backlink evaluation. 
  • Stick with WordStream if: Your priority lies primarily in managing your own paid advertisements, especially on social media platforms. Extensive competitor research isn’t a core need for you.


AgencyAnalytics is a robust WordStream alternative that’s perfect for agencies. It’s designed to simplify client reporting and features a suite of SEO tools and professional reporting capabilities.


  • Customizable Dashboards. AgencyAnalytics provides more flexible reporting options than WordStream, enabling you to create attractive dashboards according to each client’s needs. Display important metrics in a way that engages your clients.
  • Automated Reports. Create reports quickly and automatically, saving you crucial time. Set up your reports to be sent automatically, updating clients easily.
  • White Labeling. Retain your professional image by using your agency’s branding on reports. WordStream lacks white labeling, which may hinder your ability to present your agency’s skills.
  • Cross-Channel Reporting. Unlike WordStream’s primary focus on PPC management, AgencyAnalytics connects with over 75 marketing channels. This allows you to collect data from SEO, social media, email marketing, and more, into one platform for comprehensive reporting.


Fees for Freelancers start at $12/month per client campaign, given a minimum of 5 campaigns. For agencies, it’s $18/month per campaign, with at least 10 campaigns. For enterprises, prices are custom. Free trial is available.


  • Switch to AgencyAnalytics if: You’re a marketing agency seeking to streamline client reporting with automated reports and white-labeling.
  • Stick with WordStream if: Your primary focus is on managing paid advertising campaigns, particularly social media advertising. 


Madgicx is a tool that, like WordStream, makes Facebook advertising simple. However, it stands out because it uses AI to enhance the results of your ad campaigns.  


  • AI Bid Controls & Optimization. With Madgicx, AI sets bids to give you the best returns for your budget. This can free up more of your time for strategic work.
  • Simplified A/B Testing. Madgicx uses AI to test different ad designs and find the best ones. This can help your campaigns achieve better performance.
  • Easier Tracking. Madgicx provides useful data for understanding ad performance. It tells you what’s working and how to improve your ads.
  • Campaign Setup Made Easy. You can design high-quality landing pages directly on Madgicx. This feature makes it easier to start new campaigns.


Madgicx charges a small part of your total ad spend, making it budget-friendly. It also offers a one-week free trial. Regular plans usually cost from $29 to $99 per month, depending on your ad spend. 


  • Switch to Madgicx if: You want an affordable tool with AI features that can help boost your ad campaigns.
  • Stick with WordStream if: You need to manage both social media and paid search ads.


If you’re hunting for WordStream alternatives, you may find benefits in affordable tools that echo the features and capabilities of WordStream. Remember, different platforms might align better with your unique requirements, providing you the flexibility and customizability you desire in your advertising platform. Using a different platform could come with improved customer service and resources, leading to an all-round more positive experience in managing advertisements.

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