Today, it’s a growing trend to be ready for change. We are advised to change jobs, places of residence, and web services if it brings even the slightest benefit. But there is still a certain percentage of conservative people in the world who remain loyal to cities, brands, and specific products. 

When it comes to SEO tools, it’s okay to be conservative. After all, getting used to a certain functionality and program interface makes you a true professional who can quickly perform the most complex tasks. So, the question arises — is it possible to use the same service on the way from Junior to Senior SEO? We will try to answer this question in our WebCEO review. 

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  • A wide range of tools for complex website optimization. 
  • Integration with top Google services for business. 
  • A wide range of subscription plans for any user. 
  • User-friendly interface, simple language, and informative explanations in all sections. 
  • Powerful website audit and backlink management modules. 
  • Detailed analysis of your presence on social networks. 


  • Small keyword database.
  • The cost of most subscription plans does not include hidden surcharges. 
  • The structure of some reports is too complicated. 


WebCEO is a comprehensive platform for managing online marketing. It includes all the modules necessary for internal and external website optimization: keyword research, rank tracking, website audit, competitor monitoring, and backlink management. 

WebCEO reviews often give high marks to the service for its unique module for working with social networks. It allows you to include this promising direction in your promotional strategy, which more popular and expensive platforms often forget about. 

The WebCEO app is aimed at almost everyone involved in the SEO industry — from beginners to top professionals and successful agencies. It offers a wide range of subscription plans with optimal price gaps between different subscriptions. But we should note that you shouldn’t rely on these figures too much, because, in some cases, you will have to pay extra to unlock new features and increase limits. 

In this WebCEO review 2024, the simple but very aesthetic and modern interface of the platform also makes a pleasant impression. It is easy to navigate, even for a person who is not familiar with such services, for example, a CFO who wants to control the work of the marketing department. 

Pricing & Plans

One of the key advantages highlighted in our WebCEO review is the possibility to use a trial version of the platform for 14 days. There are no restrictions compared to the basic subscription plan, no contract, and no bank card binding. Such loyalty to new customers is truly distinctive among comprehensive SEO services with a large selection of tools..

If you like WebCEO and are ready to take the next step, all you have to do is choose the best subscription option:

  • Startup — $99 per month — 5 domains, 5 team members, 5 SEO leads per day, 600 keywords;
  • Agency Unlimited — $99 per month with surcharges for exceeding the limits for domains, leads, keywords, and users;
  • Corporate — $299 per month — 30 domains, 2,400 keywords, 10 users, 180,000 backlinks. 

However, while conducting our review of WebCEO, we noticed an unpleasant feature. If you need to exceed these limits, you will have to pay extra for each audit page, each keyword, and each additional user. In addition, some features also require you to pay more. For example, generating branded white papers for clients will cost $20 per month, regardless of the subscription. 


Rank tracking

This is a key module of any SEO platform. It allows you to assess your current position and analyze past dynamics to make realistic plans for the future to achieve your goals. 

WebCEO reviews emphasize deep data granularity. When studying traffic volumes, you can divide it by the following criteria 

  • countries
  • regions (for Google only);
  • languages
  • browsers;
  • mobile and desktop devices;
  • search engines. 

The simple interface shows you by how many queries your site ranks in the top positions or at least appears on pages 1-3 of search results. You can also view historical data and build graphs based on it. What’s more, the service allows you to edit the list of widgets on the page, and get ready-made materials for presentations! Even if you haven’t purchased the white paper feature, you can always take a few screenshots to get informative materials for your clients 🙂

WebCEO reviews competitors, allowing you to determine your company’s place in the market at a glance. The tool highlights the most dangerous players ready to take your place. By including this element in your regular reports, you will always be ready to repel a marketing attack and maintain your position. 

Keyword research

What can we say about this feature as we review WebCEO? Everything seems to be as simple as possible: you set a topic, get the results, and use them to optimize the content on your site. However, the service developers know how difficult and time-consuming this task can be. That’s why they offer the following tools to make the work of an SEO specialist easier:

  • Keyword research tips that are generated based on Google’s autocomplete search bar and the “people also ask” section;
  • Research of unique keywords that have not yet been used by you or your competitors. These low-frequency keywords can be a direct path to success due to minimal competition;
  • Comprehensive assessment of keywords by the complexity of optimization, the number of real queries, predicted traffic, and current trends. Based on these indicators, the service generates an integrated assessment of prospects for each of them;
  • Monitoring of competitors. By finding out which areas other representatives of your market segment are optimizing, you can improve your strategy. The easiest method is to simply follow their example, and the most effective method in the long run is to look for unique niches;
  • Keyword research at the local level. If you are a small or medium-sized business, you should go as granular as possible. Specify your city or even your postal code to get to know the needs of your local target audience. 

Everything looks very attractive, but in many WebCEO reviews, you can be disappointed. The fact is that the platform maintains its own keyword database, which is inferior to competitors in terms of content. When you see millions of results in SE Ranking or Ahrefs, the number of results here is measured in tens of thousands. 

Website Audit

The internal problems of a web page can make it less visible in search results, limiting the amount of organic traffic. Our review about WebCEO makes it clear that with this service, such problems are a thing of the past. The platform quickly scans the domain, identifying:

  • broken links;
  • incorrect meta tags;
  • problems with headings and subheadings;
  • 404 errors;
  • incorrectly formatted CSS tables;
  • unclosed HTML tags, etc. 

From WebCEO reviews, you will also learn that the application determines the site’s loading time and compares it with the benchmarks set by Google. If your resource is too slow, you will know about it before its rankings start to decline. 

In general, the site audit module has fairly standard functionality — it has everything you need but nothing extraordinary. But it still sets WebCEO apart from competing SEO services. The fact is that the platform provides very clear and simple explanations of each problem, without complicated technical terms or vague definitions. If your site is loading slowly due to unnecessary synchronous scripts in HTML, you will receive exactly that message, and not something like “check your code optimization.” 

And that’s not all. WebCEO also advises you on how to fix these problems. In our example, the advice would be “Disable all unnecessary plugins and switch to asynchronous scripts to increase the site’s loading speed.” Are you already surprised by this kindness? Then get ready to be impressed — if you ignore technical problems, the service will send you email reminders. It emphasizes the importance of working with certain shortcomings and automatically generates action plans. The tasks in them are sorted by their impact on potential traffic volume and optimal timing. 

Backlink management

One of the priority factors for ranking websites on Google is authority. To demonstrate it to search crawlers, you can place links to your resource elsewhere — pay for a service or simply create high-quality content that users will want to share. 

External link management started out as a very simple and effective tool, but over time, it has become a real SEO specialist’s nightmare. But don’t worry — WebCEO review shows that the service can protect you from such fears. 

By opening the appropriate module, you will be able to view

  • a list of domains that have placed a backlink to your website
  • links with URLs and anchors;
  • your resource’s pages with the highest number of links;
  • the dynamics of the link mass in the past;
  • lost links. 

All this allows you to formulate an effective external website optimization policy. When compiling this WebCEO review, we easily identified the potential for promoting commercial pages and even managed to restore several lost links, getting excellent results with minimal costs. 

And the best part is that you don’t have to delve into link-building techniques if it is not a priority for your business. The platform automatically identifies “juicy” and “toxic” links, assessing their impact on traffic. It also compiles an integrated website visibility rating based on data from the Alexa Traffic Rank web service.

Traffic analysis

At the time of the WebCEO review 2024, it worked with almost all Google services for business:

  • Analytics
  • Search Console
  • Ads
  • My Business

This allows the platform to receive the most complete and accurate data on your website traffic, traffic sources, and its segmentation by certain characteristics. By collecting all the information in one report, it will be easy to identify the most and least effective areas of optimization, promising areas of work, and realistic goals. The tool can even assess the impact of the next search algorithm update on your business performance. 

But as we review WebCEO, we must again mention certain disadvantages of the platform. The general traffic report appears to be overloaded with information. It would be very difficult for beginners to read it and draw conclusions from — this requires at least an intermediate SEO level. The confusing structure also makes it difficult to create presentations — you will have to spend time editing the list of widgets. 

Social media analytics

This is one of the reasons we can recommend the service to small business owners and marketers in this WebCEO review. Most platforms on the market bypass this aspect of website optimization. At the same time, in some segments of eCommerce and consulting services, more than 50% of visitors come from social media. 

WebCEO works with such media platforms as Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. It offers the following features:

  • Traffic analysis — from which sources you receive visitors, what topics they are interested in, and which anchors work most effectively;
  • Insights — the platform monitors Facebook and offers the most popular topics in your niche that can attract user attention;
  • Reputation management — tracking mentions of your brand on social media allows you to neutralize negativity and encourage ambassadors;
  • Competitor monitoring — WebCEO helps to find out how other companies are doing SMM and what allows them to redirect people to commercial web pages;
  • Industry trends — the platform regularly generates reports and sends out newsletters on new and interesting topics. It automatically selects keywords and effective anchors for optimization in these areas. 

As we review WebCEO, we should also note the possibility of analyzing traffic by user demographics. It is a very important report that allows you to identify promising segments and formulate an appropriate marketing policy. For example, you found out that Facebook ads mainly attract young people. By launching an additional campaign with a more conservative approach, you can also try to expand your audience to middle-aged people. 

Competitor analysis

Let’s start with the top feature that can make WebCEO a top service in its segment. It is an optimization roadmap based on competitor monitoring. The web application independently analyzes the activities of other companies and selects marketing tactics that could strengthen your optimization strategy. It’s perfect for small business owners — no need to spend time learning SEO techniques or hiring a specialist. It is enough to follow the recommendations of the service and observe the improvement of commercial indicators. 

However, most WebCEO reviews emphasize that you can still understand the situation by receiving detailed information with tips:

  • Compare the visibility of your site with 20 competitors;
  • Analyze external links of other companies;
  • See how the market situation has changed according to Alexa Traffic Rank;
  • Compare business success on social media — traffic, mentions, and reputation;
  • Get tips on how to use promising keyword phrases. 

This WebCEO review introduces us to another useful module called Quick Domain Analysis. It is able to compare the visibility of your site with 100 competitors at once, calculating integral indicators of optimization quality and providing advanced information. Its reports can be downloaded in XLSX and CSV formats, regardless of the subscription plan you choose. 

Other features

We have already mentioned the feature of generating white branded reports, which is estimated at $20 per month. If you are an SEO agency, you should seriously consider this investment. It gives you the opportunity to add your own logos, personalize datasets, and choose the frequency of the newsletter. And most importantly, WebCEO even allows you to connect certain modules to your domain using an open API. That way, you can offer your customers ready-made tools without spending money on their development. 

Agencies will also find the built-in task manager, which is mentioned in many WebCEO reviews, incredibly useful. It creates a checklist for website optimization that is automatically generated during a comprehensive audit. Such a planning tool allows you to maintain a clear sequence of actions and not miss important details when working on several projects. 

Another positive aspect of our experience with WebCEO is the high-quality technical support. The team has two call centers located in New York and London. You can contact its specialists during the working day and quickly get a simple answer to your question. If you have problems integrating the service’s API into applications, plugins, or widgets, you will be provided with all the necessary information, including code snippets. 


WebCEO is definitely on the list of top SEO services. It has wide functionality and provides in-depth analytics, so you don’t have to be in an information vacuum. Its help will be invaluable both in the technical audit of the site and in keyword research or external link management. 

As we review WebCEO, we should emphasize its main advantages: the generation of simple informative reports, the availability of a module for analyzing social networks, and a convenient comparison of your business with competitors. One of the best features of the platform is the optimization roadmap, which allows you to improve your business performance step by step without delving into SEO techniques. 

At the same time, when choosing a toolkit, you should also consider the disadvantages: non-transparent pricing, additional fees for certain functions, and a limited keyword database. These drawbacks can be serious reasons to consider alternatives to WebCEO, such as SE Ranking or Ahrefs. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WebCEO?

WebCEO is a comprehensive website optimization service. It contains all the tools necessary for an online marketer — keyword research, technical audit, external link management, rank tracking, etc. The platform offers subscription plans for both freelancers and large, successful agencies. 

How to use WebCEO?

The WebCEO platform is a web application. You can use it in a browser, without downloading or installing any software. You have access to a 14-day trial version that does not require signing a contract or binding a bank card. The open API allows you to integrate certain WebCEO tools and reports into your resources or applications. 

What is WebCEO used for?

The platform allows you to increase traffic and improve your company’s performance through comprehensive website optimization. Using the built-in “lead generator,” you will receive a comprehensive PDF report on the work required to promote your business on the Internet. You will also have access to an “optimization roadmap” — a simple to-do list that is understandable for beginners and people with no experience in SEO. 

How much is WebCEO?

A basic subscription will cost you $99. For agencies, a flexible plan is available with a similar monthly fee, but there are additional charges for exceeding the limits. The corporate version will cost $249. Certain features are available only for a fee. For example, the generation of branded white papers costs $20 per month.

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