When it comes to unlocking valuable insights about your online presence and gaining a competitive edge, Similarweb is a proven game-changer. Their team believes that smarter data leads to smarter decision making.This belief has driven their growth over the past year. In 2022, they focused on enhancing the data on their platform to make it more expedient and granular than before. Similarweb worked on adding over 100 new features to help companies navigate the competitive landscape and achieve smart, impactful growth, which is why we decided to share a brand new review of this platform. We analyzed its features, including those launched in 2024 to give you a comprehensive and accurate Similarweb review.

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Going over Similarweb reviews, you will come across some common pros and cons that most users notice. We have collected the most accurate ones that can help you make up your mind about the service right away: 


  • Broad data range that lets you gain access to a wide range of valuable data on web traffic, audience demographics, and competitive intelligence.
  • Competitor analysis that allows you to benchmark your performance against rivals and uncover competitor strategies. 
  • User-friendly interface to easily navigate the platform and access key metrics and reports with an intuitive interface. 
  • Customizable reports, enabling you to tailor the data presentation to your needs, focusing on the metrics that matter most. 


  • While providing valuable insights, Similarweb may lack some industry-specific metrics that businesses may require.
  • There may be limitations and discrepancies in the data, necessitating verification and cross-referencing with other sources.
  • Similarweb’s pricing can be relatively higher, requiring careful consideration of its value when it comes to the cost. 
  • Most Similarweb reviews point out that the platformIt may not be suitable for small businesses — some data may not be shown for websites with small traffic. 


Similarweb is a robust analytics platform that provides businesses with insights into web traffic, audience demographics, and competitive intelligence. With a broad range of data and user-friendly interface, Similarweb empowers businesses to make informed decisions and stay ahead in the digital landscape. If you are not sure if the platform is the right fit for you, we have compiled a list of experts in our review about Similarweb who will definitely get the most out of Similarweb services: 

  • Marketing and advertising professionals who want to understand their target audience, track competitors, analyze website traffic sources, and optimize digital marketing strategies.
  • Business owners and executives who need to monitor their online presence, benchmark against competitors, identify market opportunities, and make data-driven decisions to improve their digital strategies.
  • Digital agencies will find value in conducting market research, competitive analysis, and providing data-backed recommendations to their clients.
  • E-commerce businesses can utilize SimilarWeb to analyze their competitors’ online strategies, identify potential customers, track e-commerce trends, and optimize their website and marketing efforts for better conversions.
  • Market researchers and analysts who want to gain insights into consumer behavior, track industry trends, and assess the digital landscape within specific markets.
  • Investors and venture capitalists who need help in conducting due diligence, evaluating companies’ online presence, assessing market potential, and making informed investment decisions.
  • SEO professionals who want to stay in the loop of competitors’ organic search strategies, identify high-performing keywords, and track search engine visibility.

Pricing & Plan

You can access some of the features free of charge, including website analysis, digital ranking feature, website verification, and browser extension. It may help you get enough information for a basic analysis of the website and access some data on websites, apps, browsers, and search engines. If you have a limited budget and do not need to dive deep into your current project, then you can benefit from the free version, considering that Similarweb prices for the paid accounts are quite high. 
If you want to subscribe to one of the paid features of Similarweb and access a broader range of the platform’s capabilities, you will need to talk to customer support and book a demo. To review Similarweb, you can start a free trial to gain access to all the intelligence tools and a better understanding of whether you are ready to invest your time and money further.


Next in the review of Similarweb are the key metrics and tools you can access depending on the stage your marketing efforts are at:

Digital Research Intelligence

The Research Intelligence feature of Similarweb is a powerful tool that provides businesses with comprehensive insights and data to inform their research and decision-making processes. It allows businesses to dive deep into the digital landscape and uncover valuable information about website traffic, audience behavior, market trends, and competitive analysis. 

Industry Benchmarks

With this feature, you can access industry benchmarks that enable you to assess your performance relative to the industry average. That way, you can gauge your competitiveness and set realistic targets.

Audience Insights

SimilarWeb offers audience analysis tools that provide information about the demographics, interests, and browsing behavior of websitevisitors. It helps to understand the target audience better and tailor marketing efforts accordingly.

Market Trends

SimilarWeb’s research intelligence provides insights into overall market trends and shifts in online behavior. It offers data on industry growth rates, emerging trends, and popular websites within specific categories. This tool is perfect for businesses that want to expand their presence with a data-driven approach. 

Mobile App Intelligence

SimilarWeb extends its research intelligence to mobile apps, providing data on app downloads, usage, and engagement metrics. If you are an app developer or marketer seeking to optimize your mobile strategies, then you will find this service especially valuable. 

Industry trends

You can get a full picture of the digital landscape by analyzing online traffic data from 200+ niches — Similarweb reviews consider this as one of the most useful features. 

Customer journey tracking 

The consumer journey tracking feature in SimilarWeb helps businesses understand and optimize the customer journey. It tracks user behavior across touchpoints, analyzes the conversion funnel, attributes conversions to marketing channels, segments the audience, provides path analysis, and enables competitive analysis. This data-driven insight helps improve marketing strategies, optimize conversions, and enhance the overall customer experience. 

Key point in Similarweb review

🗒With digital research intelligence, businesses can understand where they stand in relation to competitors, learn winning strategies, discover what works for others, and deeply analyze their consumers. This helps to enter the market with a data-driven approach and stay competitive no matter how many changes occur in the digital world . 

Digital Marketing Intelligence

Customers who have shared their thoughts in various Similarweb reviews, find digital marketing intelligence to be the platform’s core strength. It is a collection of features and capabilities that provide businesses with valuable insights and data to optimize their digital marketing strategies. Here’s an overview of the digital marketing intelligence offered by SimilarWeb:

Competitor Analysis

SimilarWeb allows businesses to analyze the digital marketing performance of their competitors. It provides data on competitor traffic sources, top organic and paid keywords, referral websites, and audience overlap. Along with the platform you want to concentrate your marketing efforts on, you can delve deep into the strategies of other successful businesses and see what you can implement in your business as well as how to enhance your performance. 

Keyword Research

SimilarWeb offers keyword research tools that help businesses identify popular search terms related to their industry: it provides data on organic and paid search keywords, search volume, and keyword difficulty. This information can be a big help in optimizing SEO and advertising strategies.

Ad Intelligence & PPC

This feature lets you look after the campaigns of your competitors to create and adjust your PPC campaigns. You can also analyze your tactics by looking at the data of others — it will help you to make much more informed decisions, which is quite important when you want to avoid wasting your budget. You can see which industries your competitors are targeting, which creative ads work the best, and look at competitor engagement rates. 

Affiliate marketing

You can uncover and target new partnership opportunities for your business . The feature assists you in finding, profiling, and keeping in touch with partners. Besides, you can find information about your partners directly on the platform and make sure you land only high-quality partnerships. 

Key point in Similarweb review

🗒Similarweb’s digital marketing intelligence empowers businesses with data-driven insights to enhance their digital marketing strategies. By analyzing competitor performance, conducting keyword research, understanding the audience, monitoring ad campaigns, staying updated on market trends, and leveraging social media insights, you can make informed decisions and drive better results in your digital marketing endeavors. According to numerous Similarweb reviews, this is specifically useful for building and adjusting strategies. 

Sales Intelligence

Sales Intelligence features in SimilarWeb provide businesses with valuable insights and data to enhance their sales strategies. Here are the key sub-features you will find when accessing this set of tools: 

Prospecting and Lead Generation

SimilarWeb enables businesses to identify and discover new leads by analyzing website traffic and audience data, which helps businesses target potential customers effectively. One of its standout features is the ability to access comprehensive data on website traffic and audience demographics, identify high-potential leads, and tailor outreach efforts accordingly.

Sales engagement 

When engaging in sales, knowing your target audience is a must. You want to know exactly what to say to them to earn their trust and say it at the right time. That’s what a sales engagement tool is for: you can get alerts every time your customers show buying signals and adjust your sales pitch accordingly. 

Account Prioritization and Targeting

SimilarWeb allows businesses to prioritize and target key accounts based on their website performance and digital presence. According to Similarweb reviews, this helps businesses focus their efforts on high-value accounts and develop personalized strategies.

Lead Enrichment 

How do you know if the prospects you are targeting are still a great fit? Similarweb helps to deal with the ever-changing digital landscape and gives only up-to-date information on prospects. The lead qualification processalso becomes easier, as the platform lets you automate this process. 

Key point in Similarweb review

🗒Overall, SimilarWeb’s Sales Intelligence features stand out due to their comprehensive prospecting and lead generation capabilities, account prioritization and targeting, sales enablement and content strategy insights, market trend identification, and seamless integration with CRM and sales tools. These features empower businesses to optimize their sales strategies, identify new opportunities, and drive revenue growth.

Investor (Stock) Intelligence

The investor intelligence feature in SimilarWeb provides insights and data for investors to make informed decisions about potential investments. Here are the key sub-features of investor intelligence in SimilarWeb: 

Hedge Funds & Asset Managers

This feature can help to tailor your investment strategy by giving you access to the data of 80 million websites and 4 million apps. You can use this data to find new opportunities, and analyze and adjust your strategy. Similarweb reviews point out that this feature is helpful regardless of the industry you are in — most likely, you will find the needed insights to make an informed decision thanks to a large database. 

Investment Banking

An investment banking solution provides data and insights that can be used during the due diligence process when evaluating potential investments. The ability to access in-depth information about a company’s website traffic sources, audience demographics, and competitive positioning helps investors assess the viability and growth potential of a potential investment.

Venture Capital & Private Equity

For venture capital and private equity, you can analyze behavior data and see how it changes over time, which should help in making more informed decisions. The ability to track changes in website traffic, audience behavior, and market share over time can help to assess the impact of the investments and make data-driven decisions regarding future strategies.

Quant Funds

SimilarWeb offers comprehensive data on website traffic, audience demographics, and market trends, allowing you to research and evaluate potential investment opportunities. The ability to access real-time data on website traffic and audience behavior can help to gauge the growth potential and market position of companies you are considering investing in.

Key point in Similarweb review

🗒SimilarWeb’s investor intelligence feature stands out by providing investors with comprehensive investment research capabilities, competitor analysis insights, market trends and insights, due diligence support, and monitoring of investments. These features empower investors to make informed investment decisions, identify opportunities, and evaluate the growth potential of companies in their investment portfolio.

Shopper Intelligence

The shopper intelligence in SimilarWeb provides businesses with valuable insights and data to understand consumer shopping behavior and optimize their e-commerce strategies. Here are the key shopper intelligence use cases:

Consumer demand 

SimilarWeb allows businesses to analyze the e-commerce strategies and performance of their competitors. When you track competitor website traffic, popular products, customer reviews, and pricing, you will be able to understand the competitive landscape and identify potential areas of differentiation.

On-site search optimization 

An extremely helpful tool for all e-commerce businesses that helps with keyword research: you can evaluate keyword potential, see which keywords work the best, and understand whether you need to put money into paid campaigns. 

Shopper behavior 

You can understand your customers much better if you take your time to analyze the data, but the data has to be right. Similarweb lets you know which brands customers tend to buy from and see whether loyalty improves overall sales. 

E-commerce Analysis

SimilarWeb offers detailed data on e-commerce website traffic, conversion rates, average order value, and other key metrics. The ability to benchmark a company’s e-commerce performance against industry averages helps businesses assess their competitiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Key point in Similarweb review

🗒 SimilarWeb’s shopper intelligence feature stands out by providing businesses with comprehensive e-commerce analysis, competitor insights, and consumer demand insights. You may want to consider subscribing to it if you want to understand consumer behavior, optimize your e-commerce strategies, identify market opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition in the online shopping landscape.

Other features

You may feel a bit lost with Similarweb as it has a wide set of features that are suitable for a broad range of professionals, from freelancers to large corporations. In addition to the key features we have described above, there are some other features on the platforms you can also benefit from : 

Segment folder analysis

With the Segment Folder Analysis feature, you can delve into the traffic and engagement metrics of a particular section or “folder” within a website. This functionality enables you to gain insights into the hierarchical structure of the website and evaluate the performance of various sections over a period of time.

Social media traffic analysis

By analyzing the traffic directed to your website from social media platforms, you can gain valuable insights into your competitors’ focus areas and assess the effectiveness of different social networks in driving traffic. Use it to determine the social networks that deserve increased investment from your end.

Conversion funnel analysis

SimilarWeb enables businesses to analyze and optimize the conversion funnel of their e-commerce websites — it helps to identify drop-off points in the conversion funnel and understand the factors influencing cart abandonment. 


Similarweb offers a comprehensive suite of services that empower businesses with valuable insights and data to thrive in the digital landscape. Its digital research tools provide an in-depth analysis of web traffic, audience behavior, and competitive intelligence, helping businesses make data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies. In this Similarweb review 2024, we gave an overview of the entire feature set the platform has to offer. 

One of the core Similarweb’s tools is a market analysis tool that further enhances business understanding by providing insights into market trends, competitor strategies, and audience behavior. Users can make informed decisions, refine their marketing strategies, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

While Similarweb has its strengths, it’s important to note that the availability of specific features and depth of data may vary based on the pricing plan you choose, which you can discuss with the sales team when you book a demo for each set of tools. If you need to review Similarweb before making a decision, you can start by trying out the free tools first. 

Similarweb stands as a reliable partner for businesses seeking to gain a competitive edge, refine their strategies, and maximize their online success. With its comprehensive services, businesses can drive their growth in the dynamic digital world, which is one of the reasons this platform remains one of the key players on the market. If you find the solution too complicated or pricey, you may also look for Similarweb alternatives that either have some or all the needed functionality. 

Quick Answers Questions

What is SimilarWeb?

Similarweb is a digital intelligence platform that provides businesses with valuable insights and data on web traffic, audience behavior, and competitive analysis. It can fit specialists in a wide range of situations, from SEO specialists to business owners, offering extensive data and a comprehensive set of tools.

How to use SimilarWeb?

To use Similarweb, simply create an account, enter a website or industry of interest, and explore the platform’s features to gain insights into digital research & marketing, shopper, stock, and sales intelligence. You can access the knowledge center to get the most out of the platform’s capabilities or contact the sales team to get help. Our Similarweb review will also help give you an idea on how to use the platform. 

What is SimilarWeb used for?

Similarweb is used to gain valuable insights and data on web traffic, audience behavior, competitor analysis, keyword research, and market trends, helping businesses make informed decisions and optimize their digital strategies. You can use it to empower your e-commerce business or tailor an investment strategy in a broad range of industries. 

How much does SimilarWeb cost? 

The team does not disclose prices for its services. You need to contact their sales team to book a demo and choose the pricing plan that fits your needs . If you want to review Similarweb first, you can start with the set of free features. 

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